The blog is named Terra Mecha, after the title of my long running personal project that I hope will one day see the light of day in the form of a graphic novel or animated film. However, the blog will be about all my art stuff.
In this blog, I will post stuff like art that I'm currently working on, finished work (whenever there is any to speak of!), art I admire, or anything I admire for that matter, and also just general musings and anecdotes.
So without further ado, I will start off by showcasing some stuff I did recently, for the Terra Mecha project.
This is an experiment I did recently with watercolours. I intend to get a nice set and make fairly extensive use of them in this and other projects.
This is one of the mechanical gods from Terra Mecha. I did it this morning. I'm fairly happy with it. It's actually a kind of remake of an older drawing, adapted to be more up to date. I've included the original drawing below.
The original Slug-Z. This was before I started using those wonderful markers and developed my current style. I still like him though! He has a very raw intensity.
I Hope you enjoy reading my newly established blog :)